As I was reading through Joshua, minding my own business and enjoying the ‘story’ aspect of my daily Bible devotion time (I’m a part of the Read the Bible in 90 Days challenge) after a week in the Law, I stopped dead in my tracks.
The Holy Spirit absolutely slayed my heart as I watched Joshua fail to find the balance logic and faith. I do that all the time.
More accurately, I rely on logic too often and forget that mundane tasks are still subject to God.
Do you view faith and logic as two mutually exclusive paths and often act like you’re standing at a fork in the road?
The Problem With Seeing Things Clearly
Joshua and the leaders were approached by local tribal leaders who wanted to make a treaty of peace with Israel. They knew that God had blessed the Israelites and their days in the land would be numbered when Israel set out to conquer them.
They also knew there was no way Joshua would agree to a treaty.
So they pretended to be from far away and approached ‘humbly.’ Joshua and the leaders asked where they were from, but they failed to answer directly.
Instead, they pointed to the moldy bread that had been “fresh” when they left their country and the supposedly “new” wineskins that now bore signs of age.
Joshua and the leaders examined their food and agreed they were from far enough away that it would be okay to make a treaty with them. But they failed to consult the Lord.
Because Joshua felt he could see clearly, he didn’t ask God to direct him. He did what I so often do: he viewed faith and logic as two very different paths.
Oh Lord, forgive my pride.
Balance Logic and Faith
It’s important to balance logic and faith. We need to use the intelligence and reasoning abilities that God gave us, but we also need to have a habit of Bible study and prayer that leaves us abiding in Him so that we are ready to follow His prompting.
The Word of God and fellowship with Him needs to be such a deep part of our being that it cannot be separated from our logical reasoning.
It’s simply a part of who we are.
Joshua had not that long ago stood before the Israelites and reminded them what it meant to follow God’s laws and choose life. Part of that lifestyle is holding fast to God and heeding His voice. Joshua and the leaders didn’t do that here because they saw so clearly.
Joshua and the leaders should have first consulted the Lord (even Balaam did that!) and then responded to this request. But they didn’t. They examined the food and failed to consult the Lord.
In my life, I need to remember to balance logic and faith every day.
Logic says to clean my house, do my laundry, and get my to-do list done. Faith says submit my schedule to God and live with wide open margins.
Yes, I absolutely need to do those things and daily.
But I also need to not be so focused on what I see before me that I miss the things I can’t always see as clearly: the little child who needs to hear “I love you” or have Mommy play with them, the friend God lays on my heart that needs a phone call, the note that would bless my husband if I took the time to put it in his lunchbox.
Logic says to pay my bills and build up my emergency fund. Faith says to meet that need, even when it means pinching pennies and being uncomfortable.
Being debt-free is a core value for us. We believe that if we can’t pay for it with cash, we don’t need it (obviously there are exceptions in extreme circumstances, but this is our chosen lifestyle).
However, there are times when God prompts us to put a little less in savings or cut back in an area we wouldn’t normally scale back on so we can give.
One time we only had a few dollars but felt…Continue Reading…@
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“Dear Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior and to yield back the life given to me by You, back to You. Take Control of my life Lord, and let only your will be done in my life from now on. Amen.”