Bartimaeus: Acting on Information

Bartimaeus: Acting on Information

 “Information that is not applied is mere knowledge; applied information is wisdom!” It is strange how we live in a world with myriads of information at our fingertip, yet we exist like one in a closed cage.

When Bartimaeus heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth that was passing by, “he began to cry out, and say, Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me.” (Mark 10:47|KJV). If you pay a keen attention to this verse, you might want to wonder how:

  1. He knew or have the revelation that Jesus of Nazareth is the one with the title “Son of David”?
  2. He was so sure that this Jesus could have mercy on him and give him what he truly wished for?

We know that Bartimaeus was blind and probably could not read, but he was not devoid of valuable knowledge! Even when not all the disciples knew who Jesus truly was. Bartimaeus made himself a good listener and a retainer of information. Many of us seek good things, but we do not even know the source of those things we desire.

The next point that strikes me in the verse was where “…he began to cry out…”

I am so sure that Bartimaeus wasn’t the only person with a disability on this highway. I am even sure there might be two to three people who were sick among the crowd, but the Bible recorded that only Bartimaeus cried out. Many that were with Bartimaeus might also have the same knowledge of Jesus as he does but refused to cry out.

It is not enough to have an information; you need to use it! Nothing is profitable when not put to maximum use. You have information on how to start a small business and all you do is to sit and daydream. I’m sure you know it doesn’t work that way?

Note: Bartimaeus cannot see, so he cannot run after Jesus to get His attention. But he still has his voice and he maximised it. As Tony Robbins said: “It is not lack of resources that is keeping you back; it is not being resourceful!”

You need money, but you know how to bake. Why not put your skill to use? My friend, you keep complaining you don’t have money, no investors, no partners, and all, but you still have your brain with over 5billion cells, USE IT!!!

Article by Gbenga Oyewole

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