Bartimaeus: Be Encouraged

Bartimaeus: Be Encouraged

” And Jesus stood still, and commanded him to be called. And they call the blind man, saying unto him, Be of good comfort, rise; he called thee.” (Mark 10:49|KJV)

I rememberred how excited i was when i received my first employment letter in the UAE. The offer came after a month of searching. In line with my purpose, vision and aspirations in life, i knew the job offer was simply a way of God encouraging me after the period of struggle. I knew through the job, i will have access to some needed funds and connection to pursue my purpose.

Going back to the text, when Jesus stood still, the efforts of Bartimaeus began to yield positive result. I can relate with the kind of joy he experienced. If he had stopped calling Jesus when he was told to stop, Bartimaeus might have missed that opportunity for life. Jesus still signifies that consistency is key to achieve whatever we are pursuing in life.

Therefore, be of good courage, knowing that the provision to your need is at hand. Everything you need to succeed and achieve God’s purpose for your life are already provided in Christ Jesus. Just keep calling on him every step of the way. As Jesus commanded that Bartimaeus be brought to him, so also will kings call for you.

Whatever you are doing now that seems irrelevant and people have been asking you to quit, don’t quit! For those that jeered at you will be the ones to convey you to the palace.

The word of God says the gift of man shall bring him before kings and not mare men. Therefore, keep doing that which God has laid in your heart and never listen to mere men speeches or counsels.

It is just a matter of time. You will soon be celebrated. That opportunity you seek will soon call upon you. Never give up! Importantly, those who went to bring Bartimaeus gave him word of comfort to boost his faith. Today, be a source of comfort to people around you. As you are in need of encouragement, so also does everyone you come across. Giving your smile freely is enough encouragement for those around you.

Article by Gbenga Oyewole

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