Bartmaeus’ Positioning

Bartmaeus’ Positioning

We shall be examining the healing process of Bartimaeus, son of Timaeus in my next five articles.

“And they came to Jericho: and as he went out of Jericho with his disciples and a great number of people, blind Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, sat by the highway side begging.” (Mark 10:46|KJV)

While studying this passage, I couldn’t stop wondering how efficient and intelligent Bartimaeus was. We know it is not easy for a blind man to fend for himself, especially if he is not strategically positioned.

As this applies to many people with disability, you need to be strategically positioned to receive what you desire. Unfortunately, many of us are over-zealous and spiritually lazy that we believe prayer is all we need for things to fall at our feet. We forget that faith without works is dead.

This reminds me about a young man that had fabulous ideas on how to sell his product to a company. He sent several mails, made calls and went in person to the company but his proposal never reached the manager. Still, he didn’t give up. Based on his research, he discovered that the company manager loves playing golf and usually hang out with his friends in a popular bar.

He went ahead to study all he could about golf, and visited the bar afterward. At the bar, he maintained a sit where the man could easily notice his face. On each visit to the bar,, he changed his position to a  a step closer to the manager and finally joined in the golf conversation. About two weeks later, he became a good pal to the manager, which gave him the perfect time to share his idea. You can guess what happened afterward. He got the hit!

Blind Bartimaeus was aware that that particular highway in Jericho is well trodden. At least 90 per cent of the population passes through this highway, which posits a potential place for alms. With his loud voice, he can attract lots of attention from people that matters..

My question is: What are you doing to get yourself well positioned for the opportunity you are seeking?

Article by Gbenga Oyewole

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