Discover the secret of reigning over every adversity, lack and destructive habit that is limiting you from experiencing the success, wholeness and victory that you were destined to enjoy.
Find out how it is not about what you have to do, but what has already been done. It is not about what you must accomplish, but what has already been accomplished for you. It is not about using your will power to effect change, but His power changing you. Start reigning over sickness, financial lack, broken relationships and destructive habits today!
Find everything you need to know about the Gospel of grace in one definitive book.
If there is one book that I want to write on this side of heaven, this would be it. I believe that this book will touch you and transform you. What the Lord said to me some 10 years ago about how lives will never be radically blessed and radically transformed without the radical preaching of grace is still reverberating strongly in my heart. This book is therefore about being radically transformed by His grace and His grace alone.
In this book, you will discover the secret of God’s way to reigning effortlessly in life! Man has developed many strategies, methodologies, techniques, and tactics for achieving personal success. Let me declare to you that there is a higher way than relying on your own efforts to achieve success in life. The Bible says in Psalm 1 – Blessed is the man who walks not in the council of the ungodly. Hence, while there is some counsel in ungodly resources, there is a higher way for the believer! Why rely on self-help when you can have direct access to God’s help?
Are you ready to be radically blessed and transformed by His grace and to give up on your own efforts to have success, wholeness, and a victorious life? I believe that once you begin to take this journey of discovering His radical grace, your life will never be the same again. My friend, you are destined to reign!
From the Back Cover
“Joseph Prince is a great father, husband, and friend who pastors one of the world’s great churches. His life and commitment qualify him to speak with authority on the subject of wholeness, victorious living, and the abundant life that God promises. I have personally benefited from Joseph’s inspiring teaching gift, as have many in our church.”
Brian Houston
Senior Pastor, Hillsong Church
Find everything you need to know about the Gospel of grace in one definitive book!
Grace is one of the most talked about and important subjects in Christianity. In “Destined to Reign,” Joseph Prince reveals that the completeness of Christ’s work on the cross has been realized by very few, but that it is available to all!
You will find life-changing revelation that will free you from guilt, anxiety, unforgiveness, and fear – giving you an opportunity to embrace the true joy that Jesus Christ came to give you.
Joseph Prince shows that it is not about what you have to do, but what has already been done by Jesus Christ. By receiving a full understanding of what the Apostle Paul taught on grace, you will release the life of dead works and small accomplishments you have struggled to achieve in exchange for a life of peace, rest, and true joy that can only come by following Christ.
“If there is one book that I want to write on this side of heaven, this would be it. I believe that this book will touch you and transform you. What the Lord said to me some 10 years ago about how lives will never be radically blessed and radically transformed without the radical preaching of grace is still reverberating strongly in my heart. This book is therefore about being radically transformed by His grace and His grace alone.
“In this book, you will discover the secret of God’s way to reigning effortlessly in life! Man has developed many strategies, methodologies, techniques, and tactics for achieving personal success. Let me declar
About the Author
JOSEPH PRINCE is a leading voice in proclaiming the gospel of grace to a whole new generation of believers and leaders. He is the senior pastor of New Creation Church in Singapore, a vibrant and dynamic church with a congregation of more than 33,000 attendees. He separately heads Joseph Prince Ministries, a television and media broadcast ministry that is reaching the world with the good news about Jesus’ finished work. Joseph is also the bestselling author of The Power of Right Believing and Destined to Reign and a highly sought-after conference speaker.
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People Often Ask These Questions:
- How do I fulfil my destiny? Our destiny is bound up in our response to the Gospel. “Are you saved or lost?” That is the question above all questions. The declaration of the Gospel is “Jesus saves.” He saves from wrath, judgment, hell, bondage, the devil, and darkness. He saves us from dying in our sins. …People insure their houses and yet do not insure their eternal future. Yet we know that salvation offers so much more. Who else offers such insurance but Jesus?
- Why does God allow suffering? You could just as well ask the National Secretary of Transportation why he allows accidents on the highways. No doubt he would take exception to your accusation and point to the rules of the road. “Every time a law is broken, an accident and suffering might occur,” he would reply. People suffer chiefly for one reason—they are ignoring God’s rulebook, the Bible, and everything goes wrong. Our Creator knows exactly how He has made us and what will harm us. Consequently, out of a caring, protective heart, He says, “You shall not … ” The “you shall nots” are not edicts designed to spoil our fun, but rather they are the manufacturer’s handling instructions. God wisely knows that our psyche is unable to handle sin. Actually, it is crushed and tormented by misdeeds. It is always wise to read the instruction manual before using a new appliance. People worry about breaking a new DVD player or a new computer, but strangely, they have no worries about destroying their own spirits and souls with the poison of sin.
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