Bucking The System: Reclaiming Our Children’s Minds For Christ

Bucking The System: Reclaiming Our Children’s Minds For Christ

There is a growing, deliberate agenda to capture the next generation for secular humanists. Humanism remains de factor the established religion of our land, and the public schools are the main vehicle for the promotion of its worldview.

An overwhelming majority of Christians send their children to government schools, and the statistics show most youth are leaving the church visible by the end of their freshman year in college.

Our kids are being sacrificed on the altar of relationship evangelism, with catastrophic results. Christians need a clear understanding of God’s educational mandate to parents in order to reverse the tide and save their children from being destroyed spiritually.

This is an exhortation for Christian parents to take back the responsibility of educating their kids and carry out the Great Commission in their homes.

About the Author

Marisa Boonstra received her Masters degree in Social Work from Rutgers University. She is a wife and homeschooling mother of two, who is passionate about encouraging women to find purpose and joy in their God-given calling as mothers, and helping them raise children with a biblical worldview. Her website is calledtomothering.com.

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