Communication in Marriage: How to Communicate with Your Spouse Without Fighting

Communication in Marriage: How to Communicate with Your Spouse Without Fighting

How to Communicate with Your Spouse Without Fighting – EVEN If You Have a Difficult Spouse;

Do you find it difficult communicating with your spouse? Are you tired of arguing and fighting with your spouse whenever you try to communicate? Is your spouse not talking to you anymore?

You are not alone.

Many couples (including us) have had to deal with these communication problems at some point in marriage, and it’s not fun! The yelling, shouting, anger, frustration, resentment…. It can definitely be overwhelming.

It could even destroy your ability to not only communicate effectively with your spouse, but also enjoy your marriage.

But don’t worry.

No matter what communication problems you struggle with, you can learn how to communicate effectively with your spouse today.

Whether you feel you are not being heard, cannot hear your spouse, or want to communicate better with your spouse without fighting or yelling, this book will show you how.

For the past 7 years, we have used these communication skills to go from arguing and fighting whenever we communicated to communicating effectively without fighting, calling each other names and being disrespectful.

In this book, you will learn:

1. How to communicate with your spouse without fighting.

2. How to improve communication in your marriage.

3. Clearly understand why we all communicate differently.

4. Why trust is an essential aspect of effective communication in marriage.

5. How to communicate through conflict, even with a difficult spouse.

6. Our simple step-by-step plan for effective communication in 7 days or less.

7. How to communicate through difficult emotions.

8. How to prevent communication problems with your spouse.

9. Why your past experiences affect the way you communicate with your spouse.

This book will show you proven communication skills married couples need to communicate effectively with each other. We have tested and continue to use these effective communication skills every day; and they work!

Whether you feel like you cannot communicate with your spouse, or improve communication in your marriage, you can become a better communicator in your marriage by reading this book.

You don’t need another fight or argument!

You can communicate better with your husband or wife.

Get your copy of this communication in marriage book for couples today.

Even better, get the companion workbook: Communication in Marriage: A Companion Workbook for Couples too.

Editorial Reviews


If you are looking to be emotionally intimate with your spouse then you need to be able to talk to each other without fighting. The tips and insights you will get when you read Communication in Marriage will start you both on the path to better communication. Plus, the questions you can ask yourself and your spouse will benefit you and your marriage. — Tony & Alisa DiLorenzo, Bestselling authors of Connect Like You Did When Your First Met, 7 Days of Sex Challenge, and Stripped Down.
Read it and loved it. I’ve been married 51 years and still learned something. This is great if you are just getting started or need a refresher. Highly recommend. — Diaj, US
Very helpful and relatable. Great all around advice for any marriage. — Paige E. Sledd, US
This is a very good tool to help you communicate better with your spouse. It is very easy to understand for all types of people. It is very easy to put our partners on the back burner while life takes us for a ride. This will help open you both up for communication and for a much happier relationship. — Melani, US
Great book, has made me very self-aware and my wife loves that I frustrate her less!!! Easy to follow steps with great examples provided. — Bobby Hoey, United Kingdom
Great book to help out understanding each other. — Matthew R. Reimer, US
Very easy read and holds a lot of good information! It may seem very basic but it’s little things we don’t think make a difference in our relationships. I would recommend this book not just for married couples but also couples in a serious dating relationship. Why not start communicating better before marriage? — Reader,
Great information! Helped my husband and I so much. — KJS, US
I would recommend this book to all couples, whether you are having communication problems or not. — Kelly Ann, US

About the Authors

About Marcus Kusi

I’m a dedicated husband, passionate father, and love spending time with my family. I enjoy cooking, watching/playing sports, reading, and helping people achieve their goals in life.

Together with my amazing wife (Ashley), we help newlyweds adjust to married life and inspire married couples to become better husbands and wives.

In addition, we co-host the First Year Marriage Show podcast on iTunes.

Ashley and I have been committed to living a mutually happy marriage with equality and living a peaceful lifestyle since 2010.

We made this commitment because each day brings us new challenges and opportunities.

And by building a strong foundation for our marriage, we are able to have a healthy, happy, and fulfilling marriage.

It did not happen overnight. But with continuous daily effort and intentionality, we got there and are able to continue working together on the marriage we desire.

We work together every day and put our marriage first, making sacrifices as needed.

It does not mean we have a perfect marriage, as we are human and, therefore, imperfect.

We share our shortcomings and lessons learned in our practical, easy to read, and relatable books, so you can build the marriage you desire.

And hope each book will inspire and transform your marriage.

That being said, check out our books now.

About Ashley Kusi

I am an artist, author, marriage blogger, podcaster, stay at home mom, but most importantly wife and mother to two daughters.

Together with my husband, I also help newlyweds adjust to married life. And married couples to improve their marriage.

I love learning about marriage, clean living, and giving my family the healthiest life they can lead in all aspects of life, which is where breastfeeding naturally came into the picture.

I tandem nurse my toddler and baby, practice gentle parenting, and considers myself a breastfeeding advocate and an activist.

I hope my books will inspire and help you become a better person.

Have a great day.

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