Without question, one of the hardest things to do is wait for Gods timing. In this fast-paced world in which we live, things are set up for maximum speed and efficiency.
Technology is now moving faster than ever before. Smartphones are so cutting edge that they allow news events to arrive seconds after they actually occur.
We are so used to everything moving at lightning speed, that we have a very hard time adjusting to the slower pace that God likes to work things out. Dazed and confused we look for answers in all the wrong places. Our life becomes directed by fear instead of faith. We grow disheartened. Our faith can weaken.
If you watch a seed grow you will not see much change from one day to the next. Although without water and care it will die. Faith is no different.
There are perfect times in your future when your life will blossom. All that God asks is for you to wait. When you learn to wait for God’s timing, your life will overflow with grace. Surely that is not for me?
Yes, it can be.
God has a perfect time to turn your life around. No amount of worrying or sleepless nights will change that time. Don’t let the negative thoughts make you think otherwise. – Rev J Martin