Do you know time is your life?
When you waste your time, you waste your life.
Does your time seem to be in short supply?
Have you had enough of feeling overwhelmed?
Are you ready to find time for what matters most? If so, this book will help you discover how to:
* simplify your complicated life,
* make time for what matters most, and
* live your big dreams!
Editorial Reviews
About the Author
Dr. Joseph Peck, aka The Time Doctor, is a great connector EMPOWERING DREAMS of millions of people through coaching, journaling, and life-changing webinars. In addition to being a physician and creative marketing and communication strategist, Dr. Peck is a 30-60-100 Dream Coach, coaching leaders to leverage their time to magnify their impact 30-60-100 fold in twelve months.
“Dr. Peck is a rare gift and a man after God’s own heart who leads with knowledge, and understanding. This book will change how you view time, and in doing so empower you to change the world, one person at a time, starting with you.” — Rick Saunders, Lord and Saunders Real Estate
There is an elixir in this book that if you dare to take a deep drink of it, will forever change your mindset and thought patterns about what you have believed Time to be, while refreshing and strengthening you to the core of your inner being.” — Russel Stauffer, Master Joint Venture Broker
“In I Was Busy, Now I’m Not, Dr. Joseph Peck, The Time Doctor, provides eternal wisdom for one of life’s greatest challenges—stewardship of our days. While God can redeem our days, why make it any harder for Him to His job? Embrace the lessons in this book and you will be in partnership with God.” — Kevin W. McCarthy, America’s Chief Leadership Officer, author of “The On-Purpose Person: Making Your Life Make Sense”
“One of our biggest Dragons in life is procrastination. Dr. Joseph Peck will help you slay this Dragon in his new book, I Was Busy, Now I’m Not. You will learn how to be a master of your time and never let it enslave you again. This is a must read for every busy entrepreneur!” — Lisa Jimenez M.Ed., author of “Dragon Slayer! and Conquer Fear! ”
“Dr. Joseph Peck is a dear friend of mine and we have worked together closely on several projects. I know he practices what is in I Was Busy, Now I’m Not. Many say ‘time is money’ and that is true to a point. According to Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, God never intended for time to be our master, but intended for us to master time. Dr. Peck has put together a masterpiece showing us how to master time in a simple practical way. As you read through this book, you will find principles and strategies that will bring acceleration and ease to your journey, you will find yourself in a place of rest, joy and satisfaction, and you will find yourself achieving more than you could ever imagine. This book is not only a must read but also a tool for life.” — John Burpee, Founder of John Burpee Ministries
“In I Was Busy, Now I’m Not, Dr. Joseph Peck has issued a clarion call to value and appreciate our most precious commodity, time. The reader will discover helpful insights and practical coaching tools to master their time and leverage their life. Masterfully done! A must read for anyone desiring to redeem their days and make time matter.” — Janet G. Daughtry, Cofounder of Life Breakthrough Academy and the Biblical Coaching Alliance /
“Most people would see a massive and near-immediate impact in their lives if they understood and practiced some simple time management strategies. In I Was Busy, Now I’m Not, Dr. Joseph Peck not only gives us the reason ‘why’ we need to change our thinking about time, but the ‘how’ we do it as well. And this guidance comes from a great student of these timeless principles. Joseph is truly a ‘walks his talk’ leader and teacher.” — Vic Johnson, Founder of
Book Description
To master your life, you must first master your time because time is your life!
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
A Divine Encounter that Radically Changed My Life
On January 21, 2010, I had the privilege of hosting a webinar with Rick Grubbs titled “Redeeming the Time.” That was by far the best presentation about time I have ever heard.
Rick is the founder of Life Changing Seminars and Redeeming the Time radio. He may well be the foremost expert in the world teaching about redeeming the time, having shared his presentation more than 1,500 times in at least 49 states and 20 countries.
It was Rick Grubbs who opened my eyes of understanding to see “time is your life.” It was Rick who taught me, “When you waste your time, you waste your life.” And I have never been the same since. At the beginning of his presentation, Rick explained what it means to redeem the time. “Redeem” means “to rescue from going to waste” and “time” is “the passing of life.”
If you ask a group of people, “Does anybody here plan on wasting your life?” nobody says “yes.” However, if you ask, “How many of you will likely waste a little time this coming week?”, every single person listening is guilty to some degree. This reveals a tactic of the devil. He tries to make you think that somehow there is a difference between time on one hand, and life itself on the other. If he can do that, the result is you will not properly value your time. If you do not see your time as life, it is easy to waste a minute of it.
Now, if that happens 60 times through your day, you have wasted an hour. 24 hours slip by and a day has gone unredeemed. This can easily turn into a week, a month, or maybe even a year without you doing anything significant for God. You may simply drift in and out of the different seasons of your life without ever really embracing what God has for you. Then one day you wake up an old man or an old woman, looking back on life frustrated and thinking, “Where did it go? What happened to all those things I wanted to do for God as a young person?” This happens when you fail to realize that when you waste your time, you really are wasting your life. A wasted life is simply an accumulation of a lot of wasted time. The starting point to redeeming your time is to realize time is your life and it is impossible to waste your time without also wasting your life. Since nobody wants to wake up from the tragedy of a wasted life behind them, let us look next at the question of why it is so important to redeem the time. Unless you have a firm understanding of the why, you will not follow through with the how.