Identity Theft by the Demonic Realm
Identity theft – it is the latest bogeyman thrown around by marketers in a calculated effort to scare and drive fearful consumers towards their safeguard product.
Conventional and social media bombard us daily about the dangers of it and the need to protect ourselves against this pervasive evil.
They warn that lives can be ruined when crooks get hold of our personal data. They can fraudulently secure loans, property, and entitlements using our credentials. Credit ratings and associated credit line worthiness can be decimated and take years to recoup.
The problem is real, severe and vital but many fail to recognize there is another critical battleground stacked against us.
Did you know that the demonic realm labors day and night to rob believers of their identity in Christ?
When they are successful, lives, marriages, businesses, and ministries are often destroyed in a similar way as the secular attack.
When a person receives Jesus as their Savior, we get adopted into God’s family and receive a new name and a identity.
These are biblical truths, but the demonic realm works to snatch this reality from the hearts and minds of believers. When they are successful, bad things happen.
In a recent article, Dr. Phyl focused on one aspect of a woman’s identity, as a lover and nurturer, that demons seek to distort.
Who Are You, Really?
When they are successful, the victimized Christian will believe that:
- He is a sinner.
- He can be an object of God’s wrath. He is just a sin or two away from Him lowering the boom. Often, the afflicted one believes God loves him, but is not pleased with him and really does not like him very much.
- He is a bondservant who sees his value to God tied to his efforts and how well he performs. He will strive to read, tithe, pray and serve more to gain more favor. The Father’s support can turn on a dime if the servant falls short in his own eyes.
The Bible tells a different story. A Christian who genuinely understand his identity will know that:
- He is no longer a sinner but a saint (holy one), now and in this life.
- He is an object not of wrath but of God’s love and blessing. Jesus took care of the anger on the cross.
- He is a son of the King, and that relationship is the source of his value. It is why Jesus paid the price He did.
- He is a co-heir with Christ and an ambassador of the heavenly realm.
These lists are a small sample of the conflict, but you get the idea.
The first list is a partial collection of what many Christians sadly believe. The second list comprises biblical truths that reveal the Father’s heart towards us. If we do not receive and accept them, then our lives will not be impacted in any meaningful way.
Part of the transformation process on our journey to eternal life involves renewing our mind (Romans 12:2) with what God says about us. Many new believers have a lifetime of lies or religious distortions to unwind so the process can take a while.
Those who do not know His word, or doubt that these new realities apply, will struggle to fulfill their destiny.
They will not walk in the fullness of all God has for them and will lack the faith to walk out the works of ministry that the Lord has predestined for them.
What a tragedy!
Some months back, I counseled with a woman who knew many bible verses but, when pressed, could not convince herself that they applied to her. She knew what the bible said about her (many new believers do not share this same benefit) but would not appropriate the positional reality because she did not feel the connection.
She did not feel God’s love often and relied on her negative emotions generated from mulling on how bad a person she thought she was.
We have written many articles on the fallacy of believing our feelings rather than the written, revealed word of God.
Deliverance ministry can remove the torment, but the demonic realm will still infuse their false thoughts upon us.
Worldly identity theft cannot be eliminated. Agencies and companies can work to alert and help rebuild truth after the act has occurred.
What is the best approach to counter the demonic plan against our spiritual birthright?
There is one remedy: we must choose to align our thoughts with the Bible and what God says about us. It is that simple. Start with…Continue Reading...@
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