If I Had a Parenting Do-Over: 7 Vital Changes I’d Make

If I Had a Parenting Do-Over: 7 Vital Changes I’d Make

Ever wish parenting came with a do-over button?

“Here’s where I messed up. . .”

Whenever I say those words during my parenting workshops, you can hear a pin drop. Parents are on the edges of their seats.

“And here’s what I’d do differently next time. . .” 

That’s when every pen in the room begins writing furiously.
Let’s face it. Hindsight is 20/20.

If you ever find yourself saying “I wish I had a do-over. . .” You’re not alone! Join author and youth culture expert, Jonathan McKee, as he shares from his own personal parenting experiences of raising three kids, while making purposeful, effective tweaks along the way. Delivered with a refreshing blend of humor and vulnerability, the author’s candid style and real-world application will equip you with solid, helpful practices you can actually use in your own home. With chapters like “Let It Go,” “Press Pause,” and “Tip the Scales,” McKee provides the honest answers you’re seeking as you parent your kids.


“Do you ever wish you had a parenting mentor to walk alongside you, share the mistakes they made as a parent, and teach you how to avoid those same pitfalls? Now you do! Jonathan McKee offers timeless wisdom for parents who want to look back on their kids’ childhood someday and honestly say they have no regrets.”
 —Jim Daly, President—Focus on the Family

“Every parenting book from Jonathan McKee is a gem, and this one is no exception. Combining his own experience with what other parents have said they wish they had done differently, he clearly presents better ways to lead and connect with your kids, at any age.”
—Shaunti Feldhahn, Social Researcher, National Speaker, and Best-Selling Author of For Women Only and For Parents Only

If I Had a Parenting Do-Over is a challenging and yet hopeful book. Jonathan shares honest examples of how he would “do over” certain elements of his parenting, but also graciously offers positive strategies and suggestions that we all can learn from. As a parent of three kids, I am grateful for Jonathan’s stories, practical tips, and helpful research. This book is a gem.”
—Sean McDowell, Ph.D., Biola University professor, speaker, and author of over fifteen books including A New Kind of Apologist

If I Had a Parenting Do-Over is an eye-opening exploration into the parenting practices many of us settle for, only to look back in regret. The 7 vital changes he proposes are insightful, packed with the wisdom that only comes through experience, and grounded in research. I highly recommend this book to any parent.” 
—Doug Fields, Author, Creator of IntentionalParenting.com

“I love how Jonathan McKee communicates. This book is practical, hopeful, and absolutely relevant. I have probably spent too much time in my life thinking about how I would have parented our kids differently. This book gave me helpful perspective.” 
—Jim Burns, PhD, President, HomeWord, Author of Confident Parenting and Teaching Your Children Healthy Sexuality

“Chapters conclude with thoughtful discussion questions, making this book ideal for couples or small-group study. Parents with children of all ages will appreciate this book’s relevant advice.”(Christy Pitney Christian Market Magazine 2017-02-09)

Book Description

In If I Had a Parenting Do-Over, author Jonathan McKee offers real, practical help to parents who would rather learn from someone else’s firsthand experiences. . .in hopes of circumventing their own parenting flubs. Delivered with a refreshing blend of humor and vulnerability, the author’s candid approach grips parents immediately; then real-world application equips them with solid, helpful practices they can actually use in their own homes.

About the Author

Jonathan McKee is an expert on youth culture and the author of more than twenty books, including If I Had a Parenting Do Over; 52 Ways to Connect with Your Smartphone-Obsessed Kid; The Zombie Apocalypse Survival Guide for Teenagers; and The Guy’s Guide to God, Girls, and the Phone in Your Pocket. He has over twenty years of youth ministry experience and speaks to parents and leaders worldwide. For more from Jonathan, go to TheSource4Parents.com or follow him on Twitter.com/InJonathansHead.

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