INFORMATIVE ARTICLE: I’m Married to a Narcissist!
“Whenever I challenge my spouse, he/she tells me I am crazy and turns it all back on me.”
“My spouse’s controlling behavior leaves me confused and questioning myself.”
“I have no voice in this marriage. I am a shadow of who I once was.”
If you are married to a narcissist, you’ve probably screamed these words over and over.
There are demonic spirits behind what the secular world calls narcissism that make you feel like you are going crazy. These demons hold up a mirror and reflect themselves on their victims to keep them off-balance. The ringleader is the blame-shifting spirit of insanity. It creates chaos and revels in confusion.
Narcissists are generally incapable of sacrificial love. Behind the ruling spirit of insanity is selfishness. They typically are raised by an abusive parent who controlled them with harsh punishment. These individuals learned first to shift blame as a defense mechanism to remain safe. This lying to protect themselves is at the root of hiding that formed a lifestyle of lies. Many narcissists maintain a secret life outside of marriage.
In an earlier article, I outlined the spirits behind narcissism and how to bind them so you can see the truth. Because there are so many demons manipulating the narcissist, it makes spiritual warfare an exhaustive practice, but not impossible. The devils are difficult to discern because of what the secular world calls “gaslighting.”
Gaslighting is a form of manipulation that occurs in abusive relationships. It is an insidious, and sometimes covert, type of emotional abuse where the bully or abuser makes the target question their judgments and reality
What does “Gaslighting” by a Narcissist Spiritually Look Like?
- Spirits of insanity like others to think you are the crazy one. They destroy your credibility at every chance in front of others to make you look unstable and emotional to conceal their abuse.
- Spirits of control demand authority, so you will begin to question yourself. You go in with a strong case and come out full of doubt. Clients tell me they can’t think straight in the presence of the controller. This fog is evidence of a stupor spirit operating with mind-binding and double-mindedness. In the spirit realm, it looks like an octopus wrapped around your head, releasing its ink into the water to blind and confuse you.
- Narcissists discount your feelings as unimportant. They call you “too sensitive” or accuse you of having an overactive imagination. They will often back out of a conversation operating with spirits of sarcasm as a self-defense mechanism.
- Word-twisting spirits make you the problem. “Surely you imagined that. It must have been a difficult day, and you are confused.” They deny all responsibility and make themselves out to be the good guy because they were trying to help you.
- If confronted, spirits of self-pity will…
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People Often Ask These Questions:
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