INFORMATIVE ARTICLE: Is a Spirit of Fantasy Distorting Your Reality?
Did you grow up reading romance novels or watching Julia Roberts movies?
Did you escape in a fantasy world to avoid the reality of your childhood?
Fantasy is not always a sign of a healthy imagination. It is often a hiding place the enemy uses to develop disappointment and depression. It also keeps you from discerning visions from God because you are confused with fantasy.
I grew up hiding in a fantasy world. The deception became so exaggerated as an adult that when God started to show me his plans for my future, I could not discern His truth from my fantasy. Deliverance ministry, followed by a fervent focus to stay in the present, helped to renew my mind.
Fantasy Case Studies
I’ve seen a spirit of fantasy hinder my clients by causing them to over-romanticize a toxic relationship. One woman who was involved with a narcissist told me, “I know the facts of the relationship, but I find myself focusing on only the good times and romanticizing a happy future. If I return to him, I will be abused and broken, but I’m trapped in a fantasy world and can’t figure out how to escape.”
She knew the eventual outcome but didn’t realize a spirit of fantasy was at the root of her torment. We quickly broke the soul-tie to her ex-boyfriend, and then called out a spirit of fantasy, and she was free.
One of my younger clients came in complaining about her husband’s height. She told me, “I can’t stop focusing on how short he is and that he is not the picture of who I thought I would marry.” I asked her,” Why did you marry him?” She then told me, “He is the most thoughtful, caring man I have ever met. He loves me, unconditionally.”
I asked her if she grew up watching Julia Robert type movies. Her eyes got wide, and she said,
“Yes! The leading men in all those movies are my ideal picture of a man. I’ve basically been yearning for someone like Richard Gere to ride up on a white horse and carry me away.”
She was trapped with a spirit of fantasy that caused her to feel disappointed and depressed without her happy ending. Once we figured it out, she told me she spent most of her childhood fantasizing romantic relationships and had dated very few men. None of them measured up. Once this agenda was exposed, we prayed, and she was free to live happily with her husband.
We also see this with people addicted to pornography. The images online bring another world to them on the computer, and they are transported with a spirit of fantasy that is far more intoxicating and seductive than their reality.
Sex with their spouses becomes mundane and boring and is replaced by porn. A release of neurochemicals in the brain bonds them emotionally to the online images. The bonding is an ungodly soul-tie that needs to be broken so the spirits of addiction to pornography can be commanded to leave.
Countering a Spirit of Fantasy
- Repent from any place you hide from God by living in a position of fantasy.
- Break the ungodly soul-ties with every idol or image that you continually think about and cast out the associated demons. Speak aloud:“Thank you, Jesus, for dying that I might be set free. I forgive and loose, in the freedom of my forgiveness, those with whom I have ungodly soul ties. I now break and sever, every ungodly soul tie with (names). I now use the authority I have in Jesus Christ to command all demon spirits of fantasy to have no further right in me through these soul ties in the name of Jesus.”
- Take every…Continue Reading…@
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