Do kids spell love time? This past week our daughter just proved to me (again) why kids spell love time and why every parent needs to spend quality time with their children.
I was introduced to this parenting advice by my mentor, Zig Ziglar, who passed away this year (May his soul rest in peace).
Ever since we heard about this simple but profound statement, it has been one of the best pieces of advice we have practiced since the birth of our daughter.
In fact, we plan to spend more time with all our children. It has already yielded great results for us especially in achieving our goal of having and nurturing our peaceful family.
Kids spell love time.
One evening I arrived home from a hectic day of college classes, working as an IT technician, and running some family errands, hugged and kissed my wife and daughter.
Even though I was tired, l realized my daughter just wanted to spend time with me talking.
Whenever l left her to do something she would begin making sounds (not quite using words yet) that she does to let us know she needs some T-I-M-E with us.
After our dinner, my wife began playing with her, but my daughter stopped just to be closer to me since l had been away all day.
Her whole demeanor changes when she gets the full attention and closeness from each of us.
She is more independent and relaxed when she knows we are here for her whenever she needs us; our daughter has definitely shown us kids spell love time.
The example above shows how my daughter spells love time.
This may not be easy for some parents.
But you can start by…Continue Reading…@
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