INFORMATIVE ARTICLE: Trauma Opens The Door For Demonic Torment

INFORMATIVE ARTICLE: Trauma Opens The Door For Demonic Torment

We prepare people for deliverance ministry by teaching them about open doors for demonic torment and then work with them to close the doors before the actual deliverance ministry. Traumatic events in a person’s past can result in oppression that torments them long after the incident has passed.

One of our Center’s clients suffered a rape in college. She kept the event secret for years, and when she finally disclosed it to her parents, they shunned her.  Her mother was also violated as a young woman, and the revelation brought family division, guilt and hurt.

This woman believed that every time her mother looked at her that she remembered her trauma, and this is why division came. She ended up not trusting anyone. When she married, she brought this distrust with her and it caused many problems.

She found about our services, came in for deliverance, and the fruit was profound. Her marriage was restored, and there was reconciliation with her family.

We see similar situations when sudden and terrible events happen to a person. Rapes, sudden deaths of a loved one, witnessing a tragedy are typical scenarios for demonic strongholds taking root.

Trauma Overwhelms Our Mental Defenses

We are not exactly sure why these traumas open doors but suspect that it has something to do with our normal defense mechanisms being overwhelmed.

Not everyone who has a generational curse of alcoholism operating in their family becomes an alcoholic. Each person has a free will, makes their choices, and some can win mind battles as demonic spirits tempt them to embark down unhealthy pathways.

Fans of the original Star Trek TV series fondly remember Scotty, the Chief Engineer, in the midst of crises, would lament that the deflector shields were down, and the ship was in danger of being destroyed! Of course, the day would eventually be saved, and they would all live to see another episode.

Our mind has certain natural defense mechanisms. We are equipped to discern danger, outrageous lies and how to process stressful situations that are also affected by our age, knowledge and upbringing. The “fight or flight” mechanism is a natural response to stressful situations.

We think it is very possible that traumatic events can swamp and overrun our natural abilities to deal with unexpected events. When this mental assault happens, we have seen spirits enter in through these crumbling defenses and take hold.  Spirits of fear are most common.

Unfortunately, even if the emotional damage is dealt with, the demon spirits can still be resident and now work to open doors for other spirits to enter.

Secular and Christian counselors alike understand how traumas cause emotional damage, and there are triggers that can cause memories to resurface.  Biblical principles of forgiveness and training in how to win spiritual mind battles can help facilitate healing as long as there are not demonic spirits resident.

If demons are present in a person’s soul, they must come out first so that healing can occur.

In the case of the client mentioned earlier, the unwanted sexual union was an open door for torment but the trauma of the act itself had a profoundly adverse effect on her.  Fear, guilt and shame prevented her from sharing it with her family, and when she did, the situation deteriorated for her.

Have you had traumatic events that you know caused deep-seated issues in your life? You’ve tried counseling, therapy, read books, attended meetings and had prayer but have seen limited success in getting to the root?

I urge you to…Continue Reading @


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Would You Like To Give OR Re-Dedicate Your Life To JESUS CHRIST, But You Don’t Know HOW?

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“Dear Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior and to yield back the life given to me by You, back to You. Take Control of my life Lord, and let only your will be done in my life from now on. Amen.”

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