Missionaries have been using businesses on the field to support their ministries for generations. These businesses have often been inefficient, struggle financially, and lack the proper expertise to make a significant impact for Christ.
It is time for Christian business men and women to invest their gifts, knowledge, time, and capital in one of the greatest untapped opportunities to spread the gospel around our globe in the 21st century – Business for Transformation (B4T).
What Is Business for Transformation?
Business for Transformation (B4T) has been called by numerous names over the years, such as great commission companies, entrepreneurial missions, marketplace missions, or business as mission (BAM).
Regardless of your preferred name, the fundamental goal is building a sustainable, profitable, and reproducible enterprise with a clear kingdom-focus.
These small to medium sized for-profit businesses are typically established or expanded by mission-minded individuals in developing countries (but should be established in urban cities or low income communities in America as well). A B4T effort provides an effective platform to:
- Provide employment to low income or unemployed individuals, helping to lift them from poverty.
- Develop valuable, in-demand business skills for workers who have had limited opportunities.
- Use profits from the business to build loving and caring relationships, share the gospel of Christ, begin Bible groups, plant churches and transform lives.
- Make or provide products or services, such as clean water filters, which meet real needs and enrich the lives of individuals.
- Build a for-profit enterprise which is both ethical and an effective steward of God’s resources.
- Involve experienced businessmen and women in utilizing their spiritual gifts for kingdom work.
For years business leaders have only been asked to give and/or pray for missions. Today the B4T movement is seeking to mobilize experienced businessmen and women to provide kingdom-focused expertise in areas such as:
- Financial consulting: Analyzing performance measures and business operations.
- Strategic planning: Evaluating the vision, purpose and future direction of the company.
- CEO coaching: Assisting and mentoring company management in best business practices.
- Board and staff training: Sharing executive, legal, or operational knowledge.
- Entrepreneur and start-up advising: Helping create and implement business models.
The opportunities to deploy business expertise and capital are unlimited today, especially when you consider that small and medium sized for-profit businesses are the backbone of most economies, creating value, increasing wealth and causing social transformation.
Challenges to Helping Communities Flourish
A B4T not only has the opportunity to transform communities economically, socially, and environmentally, but can shape and transform lives for eternity.
The task before us is great and will not be easy. Several challenges still need to be overcome to see the B4T movement gain momentum and begin to help people and communities flourish.
Here are just a few of the challenges I have seen:
- The sacred/secular mindset: Many cultures still view business and ministry in dual or separate spheres, when God sees them as one. Thus, they view businesses as greedy and unethical entities.
- Debt-equity issues: Who and how best to fund B4T companies; access to capital and loans (microlenders?). How much debt should a Christian business hold? What kind of return do stockholders expect? I also suggest a B4T adopt a more comprehensive goal of maximizing “long-term stakeholders” value for their business.
- The for-profit or for-charity balance: B4T managers tend to permit unprofitable practices…Continue Reading @ https://tifwe.org.
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People Often Ask These Questions:
- How do I fulfil my destiny? Our destiny is bound up in our response to the Gospel. “Are you saved or lost?” That is the question above all questions. The declaration of the Gospel is “Jesus saves.” He saves from wrath, judgment, hell, bondage, the devil, and darkness. He saves us from dying in our sins. …People insure their houses and yet do not insure their eternal future. Yet we know that salvation offers so much more. Who else offers such insurance but Jesus?
- Why does God allow suffering? You could just as well ask the National Secretary of Transportation why he allows accidents on the highways. No doubt he would take exception to your accusation and point to the rules of the road. “Every time a law is broken, an accident and suffering might occur,” he would reply. People suffer chiefly for one reason—they are ignoring God’s rulebook, the Bible, and everything goes wrong. Our Creator knows exactly how He has made us and what will harm us. Consequently, out of a caring, protective heart, He says, “You shall not … ” The “you shall nots” are not edicts designed to spoil our fun, but rather they are the manufacturer’s handling instructions. God wisely knows that our psyche is unable to handle sin. Actually, it is crushed and tormented by misdeeds. It is always wise to read the instruction manual before using a new appliance. People worry about breaking a new DVD player or a new computer, but strangely, they have no worries about destroying their own spirits and souls with the poison of sin.
Would You Like To Give OR Re-Dedicate Your Life To JESUS CHRIST, But You Don’t Know HOW?
Please READOUT LOUD below Prayer and contact us @ circ.community@emoltem.com for more information.
“Dear Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior and to yield back the life given to me by You, back to You. Take Control of my life Lord, and let only your will be done in my life from now on. Amen.”