Every year the war over Halloween begins to surface. There are those who staunchly believe it’s okay to give candy to a fun-loving bunch of ghouls and others who want to condemn you for even buying candy. So where is the truth in all of this?
Because of my walk with Jesus, I purpose not live a life of regret anymore. However, if I could change something I allowed into my children’s lives, it would be Halloween. I come from a long line of Halloween revelers and my mom was the chief seamstress for all of the costumes in our home. My kids will tell you, to this day, that they were the best decked kids on the streets (see an actual picture at right)!
I kept my mom in check, I thought, with outfits of Hawaiian girls, bunnies, and clowns. I rationalized it with “everyone is doing it”, “the kids have fun”, and “how could I ever say “No!” to the candy?”
But the truth was found on the face of my daughter, Molly. At three years old, she would beg me not to make her go “out there”. Molly was a happy child that could see things in the spirit realm that I could not see. Sadly, at that time in her life I did not agree with her on what she was sharing and what she was sharing was a clear picture of demons wandering the streets. Molly would refuse to go in the houses. In fact, she hid when we walked up to knock on doors.
One year the girls were dressed as little white bunnies, pink noses, big floppy ears, and fuzzy tails. My mom, as usual, had spent weeks sewing and crafting for this night. As my one daughter ran from house to house, Molly pulled on my hands in horror. After a lot of resistance we made it to the front door of a man who was dressed in full satanic attire. He invited us in (some time later, I came to believe was actuall warlock).
He studied my girls intently, and said to them, “Oh you are here just in time, I’m making rabbit stew”. With that Molly ran screaming out of his house and flatly refused to continue the evening. Weeks, months and years, went by as she shook in fear over what started that night.
Demons Roll on Halloween
I know that night, as a parent, I had given the demonic kingdom the legal right for a spirit of fear to enter my daughter’s life. She was tormented from three until sixteen with night vexing spirits in her room that she could hear and see. She could no longer sleep alone. I had given the tormentors a personal invitation to come home with us, by allowing my children to celebrate a demonic holiday based on fear and death.
Whether we like it or not, we are in a war. The war is a spiritual one; it is not against flesh and blood (Ephesians 6:12). The demonic realm is lurking out there, looking for a legal right door to torment. So who’s being tricked? And whose team is being treated with the spoils of our children’s lives?
My take on Halloween is based upon real-life experience. If you are celebrating on a high holy night dedicated to the demonic kingdom, where the witches and warlocks are casting spells, plots, schemes and plans for their harvest season of souls, then you are easy prey.
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