INFORMATIVE ARTICLE: Word Curses Activate the Demonic Realm

INFORMATIVE ARTICLE: Word Curses Activate the Demonic Realm

Many Christians do not understand the spiritual dynamics unleashed when our tongue speaks words into the atmosphere. God created the whole universe using words and we are created in His image. He has delegated to us the power “to build or tear down our own house with our words.”


We tend to blame others whom we believe have blocked our success, but the Bible says that we reap what we sow, not what they sow.

You may believe that they caused the repetitive negative cycles in your life, but God says that a curse without a cause cannot light. (Proverbs 26:2). If there is an open door, the curse can “light,” or more accurately, the spirit associated with that curse can also enter into us.

We understand that words have power and that the same power that raised Christ from the dead dwells in us. There is a creative force (for evil or good) behind words spoken. Our ministry believes in this truth so deeply that we recommend an excellent book written by Charles Capps, “The Tongue—A Creative Force.”

Speak Life, Not Death

The Holy Spirit gets activated to perform God’s work when we speak the Word of God over our lives and situations. In Mark 11:23, Jesus told us emphatically how to deal with life’s mountains:

“Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them.“

Speak and believe. Our normal response often involves climbing, blowing up or going around / through the obstacles.

The book of James spells out clear warnings on the negative power of words. James calls it a restless evil full of deadly poison and that with it, we praise God but curse men, who have been made in God’s likeness (v. 8,9).

In like manner, people can put curses out against us. These can be curses from witches, warlocks, Satanists and so on. In other articles, we illustrate how the most damaging and frequent word curses come from people close to us, like our parents and spouses.

When a mother tells a child that “You are stupid,” she is cursing him. A demonic spirit can be assigned to him and follow him around to put thoughts in his mind to do stupid things. As he does that repetitively, he can see himself as dumb indeed, believe that lie, and the spirit enters into him.

We have determined, from literally thousands of sessions with clients, that self-imposed word curses present a very damaging inroad for torment. Because they have not been taught, many believers do not understand this dynamic and pay a heavy price.

Words activate the Holy Spirit or demon spirits to perform what is spoken. We…Continue Reading…@



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