Governments globally are encouraging entrepreneurship and creating platforms for new entrepreneurial business opportunities. The study of entrepreneurship has been approached from many perspectives and grounded in various theories. Historically, research to understand why individuals become entrepreneurs has centred on secular considerations, leaving many unanswered questions.
It is the fundamental precept of the Christian faith that God calls not only ministers and other spiritual workers, but everyone to specific roles in His kingdom. Christian entrepreneurs must realize that their calling is to establish and lead business organizations that are designed to achieve positive Christian faith related results in the secular world.
In this exploratory study, the role of the Christian belief in entrepreneurship and in entrepreneurial businesses in South Africa was investigated. The general characteristics of secular entrepreneurs were identified and specific Christian entrepreneurial characteristics were further identified from the literature and by means of an empirical study.
The results indicate that entrepreneurship provides Christians with the opportunity to use their talent to the glory of God and run businesses based on Christian values and principles.
Christian faith as the source of power Power has its origin in the position or behavior of the person initiating the power base (Victor 2007). Krejcir (2007) described the Christian character as the spiritual fruit that is built in the individual’s relationship with Christ.
The Fruit of the Holy Spirit promotes the Christian’s ability to relate to others and grow in character. A combination of these Christian character traits forms the backbone of internal power and Christian purpose (Krejcir, 2007).
The purpose is the knowledge that Christians have that they are in a relationship with Christ and that they are acting out this calling. Christians devote their abilities, spiritual gifts, and calling to bring out the best in people and situations.
Christian entrepreneurs understand that giving meaning to life will bring eternal treasure and results (John 15). They obediently submit to God in their daily relationship. They recognize the authority and direction from appointed leaders, family, and the church (Deuteronomy. 13: 4; Proverbs. 19:16; John 14:14; 15:14; 2 Corinthians 10:5). Christians remain flexible and open to the ideas of others and are willing to be instructed and challenged to change for the better (Colossians 3:2).
Wisdom is the true desire for the knowledge contained in God’s Word and the ability to apply this knowledge in everyday life. Wisdom enables Christians to have sound judgment and make quality decisions (1 Kings 3:9; Psalm 119:97-98), by choosing to follow Scriptural precepts as the primary important schedule and value for life (Matthew 6:33). Joy and peace allow Christians to enjoy their own circumstances with expression of real happiness in harmony with God and others (Proverbs 15:13; John 15:11; 17:13).
Christians develop the ability to surrender and yield to God’s control in every situation. God is seen as the ultimate provider and the giver of peace. Christians, by handing over control of heart, will, and mind to God, are able to make and maintain peace with others (Matthew 5:9; Colossians 3:15; Philippians 4:7). Courage, confidence, and endurance come from the realization that God is the source of strength in any situation.
Christians have the ability to react, knowing that God is in control and “that He who is in me is greater than he who is against me” (Deuteronomy 31:6; 1 John 4:4). Christians rely on God for all things in their lives. This confidence will enable them to push forward in the direction into which they are called because God is governing.
This belief makes them realize that they are not responsible for the results, only obedience to their Godly calling (Philippians 4:13). Christians develop endurance and staying power in order to accomplish God’s will (Galatians 6:9). Diligence allows Christians to live with excitement and passion in order to complete their work and calling from God (Proverbs 10:4; Romans 12:11; Colossians 3:23). The diligent love their calling, always doing their best to glorify God (Colossians 3:23). They are well organized, competent and resourceful, efficiently making the most of every situation and seeking better ways to do their work (Psalm 90:12; Ephesians 4:23; 5:15- 16; 1 Peter 4:10). Christians must have integrity and obedience to a moral code of ethics and values that have honor, truth, and reliability as a basis (Hebrews 7:26). This will allow them to keep their word and do their best even when no one else is looking (Psalm 78:72). They are loyal and remain committed to those whom God has brought into their lives and has called them to serve (Proverbs 17:17)…CONTINUE READING @
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