The Peaceful Wife: Living in Submission to Christ as Lord

The Peaceful Wife: Living in Submission to Christ as Lord

What happens when a woman becomes the wife God desires her to be?

In today’s world, women are often rewarded for having type A personalities. Driven, demanding women achieve higher positions, better salaries, and praise for their ambition. They learn to be confident, take-charge leaders who can handle anything on their own. Yet when it comes to their marriages, those same traits can backfire. After all, no one goes into marriage hoping for a promotion. What is a wife to do?

April Cassidy knows this struggle firsthand. She thought she was a great Christian wife and begged God to make her passive husband into a more loving, involved, godly leader. Instead, God opened her eyes to changes that she needed to make, such as laying down her desire for control and offering genuine, unconditional respect–not just love–to her husband. The Peaceful Wife focuses on Cassidy’s experience and its life-changing properties, providing a template for others to follow.

Cassidy’s conclusions may be as shocking to readers as they were to her, but she backs up her own tale with stories from her blog readers, and also includes recommendations for further study. She walks through baby steps on how to change, addressing questions such as:

  • What is respect?
  • How can you show respect?
  • How is being respectful different from being loving?

In the end, The Peaceful Wife is a powerful path to God’s design for women to live in full submission to Christ as Lord.

Editorial Reviews


“Her journey to becoming a peaceful wife will resonate with any reader who wants new peace in her own marriage. I love that this book walks each of us through the reality checks we need in order to have the marriage we want!” (Shaunti Feldhahn, social researcher and best-selling author of For Women Only 2016-01-27)

“April does an excellent job of placing a mirror in front of readers so that they may see the ways they have been disrespectful, but she also provides a comforting hug as she explains how the disrespect can end and a life of respecting one’s husband can move into place.” (Emerson Eggerichs, Author Of Love And Respect 2016-01-27)

“The Peaceful Wife is a must-read for every bride who wants to arm her marriage in the spiritual battle!” (Jennifer O. White, author of Prayers for New Brides: Putting on God’s Armor after the Wedding Dress 2016-01-27)

About the Author

My English teachers in high school encouraged me to be a writer. I prayed about being a missionary. My father just wanted me to get a degree that would help me make a decent living. I eventually settled on pharmacy school – thinking I could help a lot of people that way and provide a good living for myself.

Now – decades later – God has given me an opportunity to use the writing skills He gave me and my story as a wife and believer in Christ to reach women around the world for the Gospel. What an honor and a privilege to be here. I pray that God might richly bless you as you read about my struggles to understand what it means to be a godly woman and wife. God has done an incredible work in my life already – and I still have much to learn. What a blessing to share that with you and to be with you on this journey of discovery in Christ.

April Cassidy is a wife, mother of two, part-time pharmacist, and blogger in Columbia, South Carolina. She grew up in the Southern Baptist church and graduated from the University of South Carolina College of Pharmacy.

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