Unashamed: Overcoming the Sins No Girl Wants to Talk About (Life, Love & God)

Unashamed: Overcoming the Sins No Girl Wants to Talk About (Life, Love & God)

Are you living in silent shame, hiding a “secret sin”? Maybe you numb life’s pain with a bottle, razor blade, or sex. Maybe you “binge and purge” or act on feelings for other girls. Whatever your “secret”―shocking or not―if you’re trapped by it, you’re trapped by it. And chances are you’re not getting help because you’re too scared of what people would think if they found out.

Unashamed breaks the silence about the sins girls think they have to hide. With daring and a touch of humor, author Jessie Minassian shares her own story of struggle and victory. God longs for you to live in the freedom He died for!

So whether you’re caught in a cycle of sin yourself or just want to know how to help the silent sufferers all around you, let this book be the beginning of your journey toward health, healing, and freedom in His love for you.

Editorial Reviews


Like a cold glass of water in a squelching desert, Jessie Minassian is a refreshing voice in a voiceless land. Authentic. Clear. Engaging. Biblical. Jessie cuts to the heart of what teenage girls need to hear in these turbulent times. If you’re a teenage girl, or are trying to parent one, you absolutely cannot afford to pass up this book! —PRESTON SPRINKLE, PHD, Vice President of Eternity Bible College’s Boise Extension and author of FightErasing Hell, and Charis

This is a vital book for parents and teen girls alike. Jessie Minassian’s vulnerable, authentic call to live in freedom from the sins that so easily entangle will be a powerful encouragement to girls who think they can never break free from these “secret sins,” and an empowering discussion-starter for parents wondering what in the world their daughters are going through. Read this book! —MARK GREGSTON, Founder and executive director of Heartlight Ministries

You may not agree with Jessie Minassian on every point, but I love her courage and compassion. If you need straight talk delivered with a loving voice, absolutely read Unashamed. —NANCY RUE, author of The Merciful Scar and The Whole Guy Thing

Working with teenage girls on a weekly basis and having dealt with some of the same issues Jessie Minassian discusses, I very much appreciate her honesty and detail as she hits big topics such as cutting, eating disorders, etc., bringing sin and shame into the light. Isolation in our struggles can be crippling, but she lets us know we are not alone. Teenage girls should read this, as should parents and mentors–and the discussion questions are a great asset. —LAURA HAIRSTON, Executive director of Forge America

About the Author

JESSIE MINASSIAN is a popular speaker, blogger, and the author of twelve books and Bible studies, including Crushed, Unashamed, Backwards Beauty, and Family. She is the “resident big sis” at LifeLoveandGod.com, a Q&A website for teen and college-age girls. Her work for girls and their parents has been featured internationally through outlets such as Focus on the Family, Parenting Today’s Teens, She Reads Truth, Axis, Revive Our Hearts and YouthWorker Journal. She and her husband live at Hume Lake, California, and have two daughters. To find out more, or connect with Jessie, visit LifeLoveandGod.com.

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