BOOK YOU MUST READ: The Witchdoctor and the Man: City Under the Sea (FREE DOWNLOAD👇)

BOOK YOU MUST READ: The Witchdoctor and the Man: City Under the Sea (FREE DOWNLOAD👇)

Bishop Samuel Vagalas Kanco’s testimony is more than just the biography of a man, or an examination of his preaching. The Witch Doctor and The Man: City Under the Sea penetrates deeply into the very essence of Bishop Kanco’s life and ministry. Witnessing the power of the Holy Spirit’s anointing in his life and work, you will find this book fascinating and empowering.As a young man in Ghana, Vagalas Kanco was a high level wizard in his tribe. Fortunately, Jesus Christ intervened to rescue him from the kingdom of darkness shortly before he inherited, from his father, the position of fourth generation witch doctor.

The Bishop’s testimony tells of a high-powered confrontation between Satan, the lord of darkness, and Jesus Christ, the Lord of Lords. Kanco exposes the lies, subterfuges, and half-truths Satan uses to entice people down dark and dangerous back alleys. With characteristic creativity and skill, Bishop Kanco strips away the veneer of our modern society, to expose the evil of Satan and his many demonic minions, evil that often disguises itself as good. His testimony is a landmark study of the power of God.

There’s an honest terror here that will instruct you. So, read and grow in your understanding of this mighty warrior of God.Bishop Samuel Vagalas Kanco received his Doctorate of Ministry from Southeastern Seminary in Savannah, GA. He currently oversees The Lord’s Vineyard Church, International (Box 816, Medina, Accra, Ghana, Africa) in Africa, England, and Canada, and also ministers worldwide in a miracle ministry, teaching and healing God’s people. He has appeared on many international television and radio programs.

About the Author

Patricia Holliday Ph.D. was born1935, Jacksonville Florida. She is the widow of Vadim P. Holliday, mother of three, Katheryn, Alexander, Connie Carter. She was called into the ministry in 1975 and has ministered worldwide. In 1993, she received her Ph.D. at Southeastern Theological Seminary, Jacksonville, Florida. President of Miracle Outreach Ministry has appeared on many international television and radio shows. She hosts a television show, Miracle Outreach and has been on radio from more than twenty-five years. Miracle Outreach Ministries is an international ministry. Miracles, signs and wonders, healing, and deliverance follow this ministry. Her latest evangelistic trips include Ghana West Africa, Italy and Jamaica where many miracles happened. Among her many political activities, she ran for the Florida State House of Representatives in 1972. She was elected State Committee Woman for her party and a lobbyist in Tallahassee. She was area chairman at Jacksonville Beach for President Richard Nixon. She was a founding member and has officiated in many women’s groups; Minute women of Florida; the Ponte Vedra Woman’s Club; and the Four Foundation Inc., a home for non delinquent girls in Duval County. She helped to organize two women’s interdenominational fellowships. She has ministered worldwide. Dr. Holliday, is listed in Who’s Who of the Woman of the World; Who’s Who in America Politics; Dictionary of International Biography; Marquis Who’s Who in the South and Southwest – Marquis Who’s Who of American Women and Who’s Who in American Religion Who’s Who in America and Who’s Who in the World. Dr. Holliday was a member of the International Platform Committee as a noted lecturer. Recently she founded Miracle Outreach Ministries, a street church that feeds and clothes the poor. Pat Holliday, Ph.D. 9252 San Jose Blvd., 2804 Jacksonville, Fl. 32257 904 733 8318



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Would You Like To Give OR Re-Dedicate Your Life To JESUS CHRIST, But You Don’t Know HOW?

Please READOUT LOUD below Prayer and contact us @ for more information.

“Dear Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior and to yield back the life given to me by You, back to You. Take Control of my life Lord, and let only your will be done in my life from now on. Amen.”

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