INFORMATIVE ARTICLE: I’m Married to a Narcissist!
“Whenever I challenge my spouse, he/she tells me I am crazy and turns it all back on me.”“My spouse’s controlling behavior leaves me confused and questioning myself.”“I have no voice…
“Whenever I challenge my spouse, he/she tells me I am crazy and turns it all back on me.”“My spouse’s controlling behavior leaves me confused and questioning myself.”“I have no voice…
You and your spouse were both created to become like Christ. God uses your spouse to build his values, attitudes, morals, and character within you.Once you understand this, a lot of…
I suppose you'd expect a man who's been married 30 years to a beautiful, intelligent woman would be able to share with you the intimate secrets to having a perfect…
Society tells us pornography isn’t a big deal. They almost normalize it. It’s readily available and inexpensive or even free. Heck, you can walk around the mall and find ample…
You see, trust in marriage can be built and made stronger over time. Even after trust has been broken, if both spouses work together, it can be rebuilt using these…
Communication in marriage is one of the essential topicseverycouple (including us) needs to learn in order to have a healthy, fulfilling, and lasting marriage. In fact, communication and marriage go…
Do you have any forbidden words in your marriage? Early on our marriage, the first couple months, we had a very important discussion about divorce. It’s amazing how much a relationship…
Most strong-willed women handle marriage the way we do almost everything else — we have the capacity to bring out both great passion and great friction. Most strong-willed women handle…
When your wife says there's something wrong with your marriage, guess what, there's probably something wrong with your marriage. And for the sake of that marriage, a husband would do…
1st QUESTION: As a Godly Christian wife/husband, what is your first-year newlywed experience like in marriage, and how do you peacefully work around your differences without divorce? First Answer: The…
Growing together in marriage is necessary for a lasting, happy, successful, and healthy marriage. As part of our family goals for every new year, we read at least one book together. What we read.…