Is Jezebel tracking you?
Do you do the “2-step forward 3-step back” dance with controllers who continually sabotage you?
Do jealous women or men always cause you trouble?
Guess what? Your demons are attracting Jezebel.
First, we need to debunk three misconceptions about Jezebel:
- Jezebel is not a demon spirit solely assigned to women.
- Jezebel is a territorial (principality) spirit that does not inhabit a body. Ephesians 6:12 talks about spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms, and Jezebel is one of those, along with Leviathan, Python, and others. Jezebel directs earthly (first heaven) demons to bring damage and destruction to God’s people.
- Jezebel’s plan is more extensive than just ungodly control and manipulation, but those are her calling cards we are addressing today.
A Personal Story
I used to be a magnet for spirits of jealousy, control, and manipulation. I remember walking into a church and the pastor’s wife telling me, “The minute I saw you, I just knew you would be my spiritual daughter.”
Back then, I felt honored by her words. However, what followed was another controlling relationship that ended with her screaming at me in a parking lot, “You can’t leave; you will always be my spiritual daughter.” That came after a year of manipulation that included witchcraft prayers to make me submit to her authority. Sadly, this was not a unique story for me; it was my life until deliverance. It was then I realized the spirits in me were attracting this torment.
5 Common Spirits that Attract Jezebel
- Cowering Spirits of Fear – aka “people-pleasing.” This spirit lets everyone know that you are easily controlled and available for abuse. It keeps you shrinking back from your spiritual calling while inviting bullies. It bends you over in the spirit realm, so you can’t see what’s controlling you.
- Rejection– fear of being rejected keeps you clinging to friendships that should have ended years ago and makes you a magnet for more dysfunctional relationships.
- Fear of Authority – silences you. This fear starts with parental control that steals your voice. It aligns itself with fear of punishment. People who have these spirits describe their childhoods as “walking on eggshells.” You never speak up. You just keep the peace.
- Double-minded Spirits – keep you confused and unaware of the manipulation. You can’t make up your mind, is it them or is it me? Your soul feels like it’s in a constant game of tug a rope.
- Stupor Spirits – create a fog over your mind. You can’t think straight, but when you get home, everything seems crystal clear. Of course, it is too late by then because you have already succumbed to the controlling spirit’s desires.
These are the spirits that invite you to the table of demons set by Jezebel. In scripture, there are two tables.
Psalm 23 references the Lord’s table set in the presence of our enemies. Our head has been anointed with the oil of joy, and our cup runs over. This table represents the fruit of the Holy Spirit that triumphs over demonic harassment. This is your place of inheritance. Your seat is reserved and paid for in advance.
However, there is also a table where demons dine:
You can’t drink from the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons. You can’t feast at the table of the Lord and feast at the table of demons. (1 Cor. 10:21 TPT)
Dine at the Lord’s Table
At this venue, you…Continue Reading…@
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