Depending on the church you attend or have read, you may not be aware that the Bible speaks of a second judgment for Christians.
It’s called the judgment seat of Christ, where every believer gives an account of deeds and words spoken (2 Cor 5:10).
“For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad” (NIV) (emphasis added).
This is different than the first judgment, which provides condemnation for Satan, demons, and unbelievers (John 5:24, Rev 20:1-15).
God forgives and forgets all of our sins before salvation. After that, there is a log kept. These things matter in our eternal destiny, and we can prepare adequately and not be afraid of that encounter before Jesus.
Why is it essential for us, as counselors and deliverance ministers, to address this?
During our fifth session teaching on how to walk out deliverance, we cover Matthew 7:13-14 (NIV):
“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life (emphasis added), and only a few find it.”
Works Matter
The fundamental key to staying on the narrow road is to obey God and His commandments. Not so that He will love us more but because that’s where protection and provision reside. Veering off the narrow road puts us in a position where we become more vulnerable to the demonic realm. The broad path leads to destruction and death, up to and including an eternal spiritual demise.
God’s grace, His empowering presence, gives us what we need to obey. If we go astray, it’s His mercy and doggedness that will keep trying to steer us back to the right road so we can receive forgiveness, restoration and move ahead on our journey to the best-expected end in heaven.
Salvation is an event, but it is vital to persevere to the end of our journey. Matthew 10-13 warns us about pushing through in the end times:
“At that time, many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.” (NIV)
Perseverance and pushing through doubt, tough times, trials, and tribulations are critical requirements for taking hold of all that God has for us, including eternal life.
Obedience Helps Keeps the Doors Closed
Some clients mistakenly believe that after deliverance, all of their temptations and struggles in an area will disappear. We have to recalibrate them; the torment should be gone because the offenders (demons) are now outside of them rather than inside. However, when they return to the house (Matt 12:43-45), they are still able to put thoughts in their minds, so the battlefield remains active. Also, there are old habits that need to be displaced by new, godly ones. That transformation usually involves a process of small victories rather than an instantaneous change.
Persevering, making the right choices, winning mind battles, and obedience to God’s word are vital components of walking out deliverance effectively.
There is a debate in the Body of Christ about what happens at Christ’s judgment seat:
- Grace-only teachers and Once-saved, always-saved proponents (OSAS) exclude or minimize this teaching. They contend that crowns and rewards only are handed out and we do know that not everyone sits on the fifty-yard line in heaven.
- Some teach that individuals who professed Christ in the past will be shocked that their name is not in the Book of Life, because of their disobedience. They believe that while believers cannot be snatched out of the Father’s hand, they can choose to walk away from their saving faith. We’re in that camp.
This second judgment is genuine, clearly spelled out in Scripture, and every Christian best prepare for it.
We can approach it with…Continue Reading…@
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People Often Ask These Questions:
- How do I fulfil my destiny? Our destiny is bound up in our response to the Gospel. “Are you saved or lost?” That is the question above all questions. The declaration of the Gospel is “Jesus saves.” He saves from wrath, judgment, hell, bondage, the devil, and darkness. He saves us from dying in our sins. …People insure their houses and yet do not insure their eternal future. Yet we know that salvation offers so much more. Who else offers such insurance but Jesus?
- Why does God allow suffering? You could just as well ask the National Secretary of Transportation why he allows accidents on the highways. No doubt he would take exception to your accusation and point to the rules of the road. “Every time a law is broken, an accident and suffering might occur,” he would reply. People suffer chiefly for one reason—they are ignoring God’s rulebook, the Bible, and everything goes wrong. Our Creator knows exactly how He has made us and what will harm us. Consequently, out of a caring, protective heart, He says, “You shall not … ” The “you shall nots” are not edicts designed to spoil our fun, but rather they are the manufacturer’s handling instructions. God wisely knows that our psyche is unable to handle sin. Actually, it is crushed and tormented by misdeeds. It is always wise to read the instruction manual before using a new appliance. People worry about breaking a new DVD player or a new computer, but strangely, they have no worries about destroying their own spirits and souls with the poison of sin.
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