The Purpose and Power of the Holy Spirit: God’s Government on Earth

The Purpose and Power of the Holy Spirit: God’s Government on Earth

Is Heaven on Earth Really Possible?
When we struggle with defeat and discouragement, the Holy Spirit is the key to victory and peace. Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe shows how to bring order to the chaos in your life, receive God’s power to heal and deliver, fulfill your true purpose with joy, be a leader in your sphere of influence, and be part of God’s government on earth.

We have access to the unseen world of the Spirit and can bring heavenly influence to earth. When you receive God’s Spirit into your life, you will find that His gifts are your birthright. Receive the fullness of God’s Spirit and start living in the spiritual power that God has promised you. “It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you” (John 16:7 NKJV).

Editorial Reviews


[Dr. Myles Munroe’s] wisdom is to the believer what a phone booth was to Superman! Step into every page and be changed!
—Bishop T.D. Jakes
The Potter’s House of Dallas

Myles Munroe stands as a pillar of strength in the midst of so much windblown confusion that is ripping apart sectors of the church. His commitment to integrity and spiritual passion—to a biblical lifestyle uncluttered by dead tradition—is a joy to behold.
—Jack W. Hayford
Chancellor Emeritus, The King’s University, Los Angeles, CA

Myles Munroe gives a fresh look at the ministry and person of the Holy Spirit. The Purpose and Power of the Holy Spirit is a powerful book that makes the truth simple and easy to understand.
—Billy Joe Daugherty
Founder and Senior Pastor, Victory Christian Center, Tulsa, OK

Every kingdom features a carefully structured administrative system. In this book, Myles Munroe focuses on the administration of God’s kingdom on earth from a heavenly perspective. In doing so, he offers fresh and challenging insights into the principles of kingdom citizenship, the character and purpose of the divine administrator, and the resources our governor provides to enable kingdom citizens to fulfill the responsibilities of citizenship.
—Dr. Jerry Horner
Founding Dean, School of Divinity, Regent University, Virginia Beach, VA
Former Dean, School of Theology, Oral Roberts University, Tulsa, OK

About the Author

DR. MYLES MUNROE (1954–2014) was an international motivational speaker, best-selling author, educator, leadership mentor, and consultant for government and business. He was a popular author of more than forty books, including The Power of Character in Leadership, The Purpose and Power of Authority, The Principles and Benefits of Change, Becoming a Leader, The Fatherhood Principle, and The Principles and Power of Vision. Dr. Munroe was founder and president of Bahamas Faith Ministries International (BFMI), a multidimensional organization headquartered in Nassau, Bahamas. He was chief executive officer and chairman of the board of the International Third World Leaders Associ

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