Tongues: Beyond the Upper Room

Tongues: Beyond the Upper Room

Tongues: Beyond the Upper Room looks at common objections to and misconceptions about tongues, scriptural purposes of speaking in other tongues, common excesses, praying out God’s plan, pressing into greater depths in prayer, guidelines to receiving the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, and much more!


Probably one of the top 10 books in our library. If the subject of speaking in tongues can be approached scripturally, reasonably, and sanely – anyone and everyone everywhere would speak in tongues. This book presents the doctrinal subject of speaking in tongues Exhaustively and comprehensively. With a lawyer style proof from the Scriptures and easy to understand demonstrations and illustrations – if you don’t speak in tongues you suddenly will. And if you already do speak in tongues your current language will become so enhanced he will want to read the book over and over and over again. Give this book to someone who is struggling to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost. This book cuts through strange charismatic touchy-feely experiences and cut straight to the word. The word will bring about experiences. We don’t look for experiences to bring about experiences. The word brings experiences and then you go right back to the word and have more experiences. An excellent book and a must for every Christian’s library—————Lon ShraderAstounding and highly effectual

This book really gets into teaching about The Holy Spirit and the depth and importance of praying in tongues. These subjects have not been taught in many of the churches I have attended. This gave me a lot of insight into how to pray.——————–Jacque Good teaching on The Holy Spirit and prayer

 If you are unsure or certain, of the calling and relationship that God wants for you, may I humbly suggest you read this, I my self, acted in ignorance and unbelief, after an emotional breakdown, I started afresh with God, I had no one else to turn to who really knew A friend recommended this author and this book guided me to a full belief into what the scriptures say, and the power that God bestowed upon me to fight my demons has truly been glorifying…Stephen E Burt

I find this book really exciting to read and have been recommending it to friends. It contains everything you want to know about speaking in tongues and its benefits. It’s definitely a must read for every believer, young or old in the faith.———————Chijindu Nwachukwu

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